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Choose Your membership Level

  • Student Membership

    Inital payment for enrolled CHW students
    Valid for one year
    • • Access Our Resources Portal
    • • Connect with other CHW’s
  • Best Value

    Individual Member

    Every year
    • Everything included in the Student Member package plus,
    • • 10% Discount to all training
    • • 10% Discount to GCCHWA events and conferences
    • • Priority notice of employment opportunities and training
    • • GCCHWA ink pen
    • • 10% discount off GCCHWA merchandise
  • Organization Lvl I

    Every year
    • Less than 25 employees
    • • Organization Name listed on GCCHWA website
    • • Access to CHW employment portal
    • • Priority notice of call for proposals to GCCHWA conference
    • • Priority review of organization evidence based trainings
    • • Ability to share resources to benefit CHW's
    • • Priority registration & discounts to training & conference
  • Organization Lvl II

    Every year
    • Level II - 26 to 50 employees
    • • Organization Name listed on GCCHWA website
    • • Access to CHW employment portal
    • • Priority notice of call for proposals to GCCHWA conference
    • • Priority review of organization evidence based trainings
    • • Ability to share resources to benefit CHW's
    • • Priority registration & discounts to training & conference
  • Organization Lvl III

    Every year
    • Level III - 51 – 100 employees
    • • Organization Name listed on GCCHWA website
    • • Access to CHW employment portal
    • • Priority notice of call for proposals to GCCHWA conference
    • • Priority review of organization evidence based trainings
    • • Ability to share resources to benefit CHW's
    • • Priority registration & discounts to training & conference

All plans except Student Membership are Auto Renewed each year from membership start date.

Plans & Pricing: PaidPlans
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